Questions To Ask To Yourself

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When you realize that you are way tougher than you can imagine…
is when your life and business will change.

Next time you find yourself saying:

I can't do that
I can't afford that
I'm just not equipped for that

The Genius Wave-- wp:paragraph -->

I really am…
too weak, not ready, not strong enough, not anything enough..
suffering from "Imposter Syndrome"…
suffering from anything…

Stop and ask what would happen if you didn't say these things, or think these things.

And replace it with:

The Genius Wave - From the 8-figure VSL team behind Billionaire Brain Wave.-- wp:paragraph -->

What if…
What if I believed I were strong enough?
What if I believed that I can find whatever I need to invest or risk what I need to do to get to the next level?
What if I believed that I am enough right now?
What if I believed that I ready and worthy right now?
What if I believed I am not fearful?

What could happen?

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Those are the questions to ask.

Not the statements of weakness.


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The Genius Wave | Downloads - From the 8-figure VSL team behind Billionaire Brain Wave.-- /wp:image -->

Business Strategist Coach Jeanne Omlor


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