Believe In Yourself Is Bound To Make An Impact In Your Business

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Here's why.
Here is what keeps folks stuck in dating:

These beliefs:

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All the good ones are taken…
It's so hard to find a decent guy/gal…
Why is everyone else happy and successful and lucky in love but not me?…

Here is what keeps business people stuck:

All the good clients are taken…
It's so hard to find a decent client (one who can afford me, does the work, who gets results…a good fit!)
Why is everyone else successful in business but not me…

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Do you see why I'm always using dating analogies?

As you know, I'm not a Dating Coach so I'll stick with the business…
As long as you think the good clients are taken, you'll keep attracting the wrong ones.The Genius Wave | Downloads - From the 8-figure VSL team behind Billionaire Brain Wave. The ones who are not a fit…
and if you believe that finding clients is hard or even impossible, it will be hard to find them.
And if you think you can't be successful in business, you will not be.
Sometimes these patterns are subconscious. We aren't aware of them. And we keep attracting the same thing over and over…

Dating scenario:

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Meet Allie…
she meets a great guy - he looks good on paper…
They connect and there's chemistry. He gets her jokes. He dresses well. He's a catch. He has a sense of humor.
He asks her out on a date and she's so excited!

And then…
she starts to obsess about what she should she wear, what she should say.

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She's already worrying about him asking her on the second date so she's doing an info binge on him (some would call it stalking) trying to find things in common so she can appear to be the ONE

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She's trying too hard…
and she is doubting her worthiness and value as a woman…
she's starting to feel desperate…and think about what will happen if she doesn't get a second date…
and what will happen after that…

Business scenario:

You get this great person to book a sales call with you. They seem awesome.
You get on the phone and you really connect. There's good energy. Kismet you might say.
You're getting excited.The best review site Pokies Real News From the 8-figure VSL team behind Billionaire Brain Wave. You talk too much…
This is a dream client for you and you really want to sign them up and get to it.
You start wondering what you need to say to get this client to work with you. How to "convince" them.
You start overthinking it.
You start trying to prove your value instead of just highlighting your value and instead oozing your value just by being authentic and transparent.

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Ok so now…..The Genius Wave | Downloads - From the 8-figure VSL team behind Billionaire Brain Wave.
you're talking WAY to much about your offer, the price, how it works, everything about you and and how awesome YOU are…
going from confident, to nervous, to doubtful, to slight desperation…
and you start to think what will happen to your earrnings if you don't sign this client…
and then you get the "of course I have to think about this" or the "I have to talk to husband/girlfriend/fiance/brother/sister/neighbour..(we get it)" and "I'll get back to you."
and then crickets.
Business IS a lot like dating.
And what's off in both scenarios is how you show up.

So, the fix is to:

Show up curious and ready to serve if that person ends up being a fit.The best review site Pokies Real News From the 8-figure VSL team behind Billionaire Brain Wave. Not trying to MAKE them a fit.
It's all about coming into the meeting from a place of curiosity about them and what they need help with and seeing if you can absolutely help that person….
and being strong and CONFIDENT in your value if you CAN help them.
It's all in what you are exuding.
And that comes from your belief in your value.
So, believe in yourself…

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learn how to detach yourself from the outcome.
This doesn't mean to not CARE. Or to be casual or blasé or flippant or bland.
It means to let that person decide whether they want ro work with you or not, without cajoling, convincing or any kind of tactics.
This is what attracts people to you and your business.

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OWN your value.

Big love,

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Business Strategist Coach Jeanne Omlor


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